AWS Overview

AWS Overview

Overview of AWS main elements.

AWS is a set of web services provided by Amazon. In this page, the overview of AWS will be covered.

Regions and AZs

Regions are isolated geographic areas, which brings the best fault tolerance and stability. When viewing resources in AWS console, you can only see resources related to your current region. There is no way to share resources between regions - those are not automatically replicated, and area isolated from each other. In order to launch an instance, it is required that an AMI (Amazon Machine Image) in the same region is selected - so you cannot select an AMI from another region. If the AMI in is a different region, it can be copied to the current region, and then the instance of that particular AMI can be launched.

Instances and AMIs

An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is a template to create instances. That template cointans elements such as operational system, application server, and applications. From an AMI, you can launch an instance. A instance is a copy of an AMI running as a virtual server in the cloud.

  • You can also launch multiple instances of an AMI
  • If an instance fails, you can launch a new instance from the AMI

More information related to Instances and AMIs can be found here, and AMI specific details can be found here.

Available Regions

Those are available regions provided by an AWS Account (as in December/2022). To use a region introduced after March 20, 2019, it is required to enable that region. More information can be found here.

Code|Name|Opt-in Status

us-east-2|US East (Ohio)|Not required us-east-1|US East (N. Virginia)|Not required us-west-1|US West (N. California)|Not required us-west-2|US West (Oregon)|Not required af-south-1|Africa (Cape Town)|Required ap-east-1|Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)|Required ap-south-2|Asia Pacific (Hyderabad)|Required ap-southeast-3|Asia Pacific (Jakarta)|Required ap-south-1|Asia Pacific (Mumbai)|Not required ap-northeast-3|Asia Pacific (Osaka)|Not required ap-northeast-2|Asia Pacific (Seoul)|Not required ap-southeast-1|Asia Pacific (Singapore)|Not required ap-southeast-2|Asia Pacific (Sydney)|Not required ap-northeast-1|Asia Pacific (Tokyo)|Not required ca-central-1|Canada (Central)|Not required eu-central-1|Europe (Frankfurt)|Not required eu-west-1|Europe (Ireland)|Not required eu-west-2|Europe (London)|Not required eu-south-1|Europe (Milan)|Required eu-west-3|Europe (Paris)|Not required eu-south-2|Europe (Spain)|Required eu-north-1|Europe (Stockholm)|Not required eu-central-2|Europe (Zurich)|Required me-south-1|Middle East (Bahrain)|Required me-central-1|Middle East (UAE)|Required sa-east-1|South America (São Paulo)|Not required
