Docker Introduction

Docker Introduction

Introduction of Docker: basic steps to understand, configure and run Docker

This page explains the basic of Docker architecture and configuration. It aims to reinforce knowledge of this technology.

Docker Configuration

Docker Login

Creating an account

The first step is go to Docker Hub and create an account.

Connecting to Docker Hub

Then, in your local terminal, execute the following command:

[user@host]$ docker login

You’ll be prompted to inform the Docker Hub username and password.

After that, the following warning will appear:

WARNING! Your password will be stored unencrypted in /home/daniel/.docker
Configure a credential helper to remove this warning. See

So lets improve credencial’s security by adding pass along with gpg (which will be required by pass).

Installing pass and gpg

The first step is to install pass and gpg locally (to save docker password). So, execute the following command:

sudo pacman -S pass gnupg

Configuring gpg

Execute the following commands to configure gpg:

gpg --expert --full-gen-key
  • Then select the option 9 (to create an ECC - Elliptic Curve Criptography).
  • Next, choose option 1 (to create ed25519 keys).
  • Next, choose 2y (so the key will be valid for two years) and confirm.
  • Now, provide identification for the key: your full name and email address. This information is important because it will be included in the key. The email address is considered an unique identifier.
  • Select O option (“OK”) to confirm
  • After that, a passphrase will be asked to protect your private key. Inform it - and save this passphrase (that will be required if you want to recover your private key).

After that, GPG will generate your keys in the ~/.gnupg directory, with the following three files, at least:

  • ./openpgp-revocs.d/<your key>.rev: this is the public key
  • ./private-keys-v1.d/<first file>.rev: this is one of the files that composes your private key
  • ./private-keys-v1.d/<second file>.rev: this is the second file that composes your private key

Along with another files.

Note: in case you want to export the public key (not required), it can be done by executing the following command:

[~/.gnupg/openpgp-revocs.d]$ gpg --armor --export <your email address> > pubkey.asc

Configuring pass with gpg

Now that we have the public GPG key, lets get back and configure pass.

$ ~> pass init <your email address, which is the unique 
  identifier of the gpg key>

Password store initialized for <your email address>

The directory ~/.password-store was created, containing the .gpg_id file. This file has only one line - your email address, as a unique identifier for gpg.

Configuring Docker Credential Store for pass

Since pass is properly configured, it is now necessary to configure Docker Credential store for pass 1, 2.

The steps are the following:

mv docker-credential-pass-v0.8.2.linux-amd64 docker-credential-pass

chmod +x docker-credential-pass
  • Add the binary file path to the PATH env var, so Docker can find it:
nvim ~/.config/fish/

set -x PATH $PATH ~/data/app/docker-credential-helpers/

Going back to Docker Login

Now that we have pass, gpg and docker-credential-helper for pass properly configured, we need to configure Docker to use pass.

Edit the Docker config file, remove the previous content and make sure that is set as below:

nvim ~/.docker/config.json

  "credsStore": "pass"

After that, you can try to login again:

docker login

Enter your Docker user name and password. After that, the message Login Succeeded is displayed.

You can check pass and see the Docker entry that was just added. Just type:


And the following structure will be displayed:

Password Store
└── docker-credential-helpers
    └── <some hash>
        └── <your docker user login>

You can also check the docker config file:

bat ~/.docker/config.json

       │ File: /home/daniel/.docker/config.json
   1   │ {
   2   │     "auths": {
   3   │         "": {}
   4   │     },
   5   │     "credsStore": "pass"
   6   │ }

And you can see that the “auths” entry was added.

Now your docker login credentials security were improved.

Docker Basic Concepts

The following is a very simple Docker command:

docker run  debian      echo "hello world"
----------  ----------  ------------------
docker cmd  image name  container command


  • docker run: create a new docker container and run it.
  • debian: this is the image name of the container
    • if not exists, it will be downloaded;
    • one can verify the existing images by typing docker image ls
  • echo "hello world": this is the command to be executed
    • a docker container run the command and then finalizes it

When executing this command, the debian image will be downloaded (if not yet in the environment), the container will be created and then the command echo "hello world" will be executed (the output will be the ‘hello world’ message in the terminal).

After the execution, the container still exists - it was created and is not running (status=Exited):

daniel@ataraxia ~> docker ps -a

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE     COMMAND                CREATED              STATUS                          PORTS     NAMES
90d910e2614a   debian    "echo 'hello world'"   About a minute ago   Exited (0) About a minute ago             friendly_moser

If we try to run this container again, the output would be the name of the container:

daniel@ataraxia ~ [1]> docker start friendly_moser
daniel@ataraxia ~>

This is because there is no STDIN usage defined for this container. So we add the -i param, and now we can see the expected result:

daniel@ataraxia ~> docker start friendly_moser -i
hello world

It is not possible to login into this container because it was created without interactive tty mode, and because the main command is echo, instead of a bash shell. So, let’s create a new container with this is mind:

daniel@ataraxia ~> docker run -it --name test debian /bin/bash

The -it param was added to create this as a STDIN container and attach to the current terminal. Also, the main process is a bash shell instead of a echo command. So now we gained access to the container via bash shell. In addition to that, the container is now named test.

If a new terminal is opened and docker ps is run, we can see that this new container is running:

daniel@ataraxia ~> docker ps
a13f7ed087d5   debian    "/bin/bash"   7 minutes ago   Up 7 minutes             test

And if we exit the container we can see now that it is no longer running:

root@a13f7ed087d5:/# exit
daniel@ataraxia ~ [127]> docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE     COMMAND                CREATED          STATUS                       PORTS     NAMES
a13f7ed087d5   debian    "/bin/bash"            9 minutes ago    Exited (127) 8 seconds ago             test
90d910e2614a   debian    "echo 'hello world'"   27 minutes ago   Exited (0) 19 minutes ago              friendly_moser

So, the container runs while its main process is executing (in this case, bash).

this page is currently a draft - to be added: add log, inspect, add fortune, 
cowsay, commit e remove


This article aimed to reinforce knowledge of Docker fundamentals.
