Docker Introduction

Docker Introduction

Introduction of Docker: basic steps to understand, configure and run Docker

This page explains the basic of Docker architecture and configuration. It aims to reinforce knowledge of this technology.

Configurando Bridge com modem Vivo Fibra Askey e roteador ASUS RT-AX82U

Configurando Bridge com modem Vivo Fibra Askey e roteador ASUS RT-AX82U

Passos para configurar o modem Vivo Fibra Askey para funcionar em modo bridge com o roteador ASUS RT-AX82U.

Em artigo anterior (1), o conceito de separação de Modem e Roteador foi apresentado, juntamente com a utilizacão de um modo “Bridge” para fazer a ponte entre os dois dispositivos. Neste artigo, apresento uma implementação prática deste conceito, utilizando o Modem Vivo Fibra Askey e o roteador ASUS RT-AX82U.

AWS Overview

AWS Overview

Overview of AWS main elements.

AWS is a set of web services provided by Amazon. In this page, the overview of AWS will be covered.

Configure Hadoop in CentOS7 for Development Purposes

Configure Hadoop in CentOS7 for Development Purposes

This post explains how to configure Hadoop from Zero to Hero in the simplest possible way, for development purposes.

This page presents a simple way to install Hadoop, Hive, HBase and HDFS in a CentOS box using Single Node Cluster without Security. This is particular useful to give developers a way to run, test and validate their code (that depends on Hadoop) locally, without the need for a fully-configured Hadoop cluster (which may be hard to get).

Distributing a Flask Application to a Secure Offline RHEL Box with RPM

Distributing a Flask Application to a Secure Offline RHEL Box with RPM

How to create a dist mechanism for Python WebApp (Flask) to a secure, offline destination box using RPM.

This page explores the creation of a distribution mechanism for Python WebApp (Flask) app to Linux RedHat environment that has no Internet access due to security constraints, using RPM packaging tool.
